unleash your content



headway & Wordpress

Query any Wordpress content. Build the layouts you need. Then Style over 100 elements.

Take control of your Wordpress content! Build infinite content layouts in no time.

Quickly switch between Grids, Masonries, Carousels, Blogs and Slider and keep the styling without having to re build anything.

can you

You can easily switch between one of the layouts seen below. This changes the way the articles are displayed and the user interaction.


A traditional blog layout to display any content that flows down the page. Quick and easy way to display your blog posts.


An even grid of several columns across and down. Control spacing and even add infinite scrolling to a Grid Layout.


Display a single content item at a time with navigation arrows and buttons to navigate between the different “Slides”


A combination between the Grid and Slider. The Carousel makes it easy to scroll through lots of content in a small space.


Similar to the grid but each content item can be a different height. Add filters and infinite scroll to any Masonry Layout.

custom layouts

You can even add your own custom layouts if you prefer to hand code and not use the the Infinity Builders.

IT'S AS EASY AS one. two. three.


Any Wordpress Content






The power of Headway makes it possible to quickly style your articles just how you want.

Use the Headway Design mode to quickly style your infinite articles just how you want them.

see changes live

You can instantly see the results. As you make your changes in Headway you will see the updates that are applied.

Style over 100 elements

Use Headway with Infinity and you can inspect and style more than 100 elements.

This includes the structure and layout of the view as well as all the article parts and navigation elements.

inspect elements

You can right click any element to inspect it and bring it up in the element tree and its properties to start styling.

Edit all elements which will edit for all blocks, or only a particular instance for the particular block.

visual margin & padding

The currently inspected element will show the margin and padding applied to that element in orange and purple.

Style your elements

Use the power of Headway to modify every elements properties.

Set things like background colors and images, fonts, margins and even box shadows and corners.

browse all elements in the element tree

Collapse and expand the element tree to access and style more than 100 elements.

BUILD complex taXonomy QUERy

Have custom taxonomies you want to filter content by?

Easily query content from custom post types and taxonomies you have added to Wordpress. Show any posts or content with custom taxonomies by their terms.

eg: All chefs post type with the restuarant taxonomy with the term set to Portafino.

Each layout has its own options

In the view edit page you will be able to set specific options for the layout you have chosen.

responsive options for grids, carousels and masonry

Some layouts have responsive options where you can add breakpoints where you need them and set different columns for when the window enters a specified breakpoint width.

Open customizer

Quick access button to open the Wordpress Customizer from the view edit screen.

Use the Customizer to visually build your article layouts and thumb cover icons and content.


Quick access toolbar to add a view to your website depending on the method you choose to use.

Opens widgets to use the Infinity Wordpress Widget.

Opens Headway to add a view using the Headway infinity block.

Opens Wordpress posts and pages so you can insert 

comprehensive query options

There are several ways to query or filter your content. You can query any content based on these query options. As you can see, Infinity makes it easy to get any content you desire. 

  • Taxonomies
  • Content Type
  • Custom Fields
  • Content by ID’s
  • Search any text in content 
  • Advanced Date Query
  • By Authors
  • By Status
  • Permissions
  • Sticky Post Status
set a relation for queries

You can query several taxonomies at once. Setting the relation lets you filter by ANy or ALL taxonomy queries.


There are 5 layouts to choose from 

  •  Blog
  • Content Type
  • Grid
  • Masonry
  • Slider
Quick Filter toolbar

Use the quick filter toolbar to set the most common query and layout options.

These options make up the most used settings for basic queries.

If you need to get content other than blog posts by category. You can build advanced content queries in the view settings.

Quickly modify the following settings

  • Number of posts
  • Number of columns
  • Spacing between items
  • Categories
  • Post Order By
  • Post ordering
  • Meta key for sorting
  • Offset posts by

Each view you create will show up in the Wordpress Customizer.

Here you can set a style, layout and build your individual layout and the thumb cover.

Build INDIVIDUAL layout

Use the builder to order the content parts where you want them and use the settings to show/hide, set display properties and configure the elements settings.

  • Title
  • Content
  • Read More
  • Image
  • Date
  • Time
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Author
  • Avatar
  • Comments
  • Like Post
  • Post Formats
  • Social Share

+ WooCommerce Parts

  • Tags
  • Avatar
  • Comments
  • Like Post
  • Social Share
Select a style

You can select a style which will apply style changes to the views content and elements.

Select a Layout

Choose from 5 preset layouts to display your content.

Choose from Blog, Carousel, Grid, Masonry and Slider.

Re order & position parts

Drag any content part up above or down below other parts to change the order in which it appears in your view.

show and hide any element

Easily hide the elements you do not want to show in your view. Or show the ones you want to.


Set whether each element should display as a block so it takes up the full horizontal width.

Or, inline and inline-block which means it will share the horizontal space with the other elements before and after it that are also set to inline.

Configure content Parts

Each content part like “Title” or “Time” in the builder has several specific options related to it that control its output.

pagination toolbar

At the bottom of the Wordpress Customizer preview we added a toolbar for each view you can use to control the pagination settings.

If you use the masonry layout you will also be able to enable infinite scroll for the pagination.

  • Enable/Disable pagination
  • Enable/Disable Infinite Scroll
  • Infinite Scroll Effect
  • Pagination Range
  • Align Pagination
  • Pages Text
  • Set Next and Previous text
  • Set first and last text

kind of

Infinity has 3 builders – Use them to create advanced content queries. And build content layouts for your articles. Even build cool thumb cover effects.

Code Less! Build Faster!

With 3 builders & 5 layouts to chose from. You will quickly get the structure & layout you need.

You can drag to reorder any parts!

A content item is made up of several “parts”. Title, image, date or content for example.

Move, show/hide & configure the content parts as you need them.

See the changes live in the Wordpress Theme Customizer.

Style Anything

Build your layout! Then use Headway to quickly style over 100 elements.

With 20 Article Parts to choose from! Use Infinity to create amazing layouts in no time!

  • Title
  • Content
  • Read More
  • Image
  • Date
  • Time
  • Categories
  • Tags
  • Author
  • Avatar
  • Comments
  • Like Post
  • Post Formats
  • Social Share

+ WooCommerce Parts

  • Tags
  • Avatar
  • Comments
  • Like Post
  • Social Share

quickly position & configure PARTS of your article WHERE YOU NEED THEM

There are 2 Cover Builders to choose from.

Icon Cover Builder

Add up to 4 Icon badges with a unique icon & link for each.

The first icon by default is the zoom icon and opens a lightbox with a larger version of the image.

The second icon links to the full content page for the particular content.

Completely change the icons and links. And of course you can add 2 more icons to the cover.

Lastly, select one of the 25 icon animations that will take place on hover.

Icon Cover Builder

Select from 20 content parts to add to the thumb cover.

Quickly select which content parts you want to display inside the content cover.

Drag to order. Show or Hide any part. Click the gear icon to configure the options.

Set the display properties. Set the position of the contents.

Select one of the 25 cover animations that will take place on hover.

Use Headway to style the cover and all of the parts how you need them.

Cover refers to the contents & animation that ”covers” an image when its hovered over.

Content Query Builder

Our aim with the Query Builder was to create a tool you can use to fetch any Wordpress Content in your database.

Thanks to the array of query parameters at your disposal this is not only possible, but very easy.

There are several ways to query your Wordpress content with Infinity. Create simple or more complex queries to get more specific about the content you want to fetch.

Build complex queries

10 query parameters you can control with Infinity.

  • Taxonomies
  • Content Type
  • Custom Fields
  • Content by ID’s
  • Search text in content 
  • Advanced Date Query
  • By Authors
  • By Status
  • Permissions
  • Sticky Post Status

Modify one or several parameters as you need and Infinity will build the query for you.

Create a simple query that gets all blog posts in the Photography category.

Or go big & create a more advanced query that will fetch custom Wordpress content from a post type and custom taxonomies.

Use the repeatable taxonomy query builder to quickly build complex taxonomy queries.

Get content by any post type that has specific custom taxonomies.

This includes content added by other plugins you may have installed on your site.

Here are some Practical Examples.

Are you using WooCommerce? You can build a query that will fetch:

ALL Red T-Shirts

ALL Popular V Neck T Shirts

ALL the Latest Bedding under $29.99

ALL the Most liked Womans Shoes added in the last 7 days.

Lets say you have a Book and Movie site using Wordpress for example. 

Without writing any code, you can build a query that will fetch:

ALL Books and/or Movies in the Comedy genre.

ALL Movies or Books uploaded in the last 24hrs that have 10 or more likes.

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Do you have a design with content layouts you need to implement into a Wordpress or Headway template?

Let us help you! Get INFINITY installed. Setup. Configured. Built. And Styled for any of your layouts!